I want to share the best source of text and commentary for the Aquarian Gospel that I reference extensively in Oracle of the Phoenix. This recently came out in 2021 and really brings in a lot perpsective from a multitude of relligious tranditions. Get it at Amzaon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1955046050?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
"In 1908 a book appeared on the shelves of American bookstores that was destined to garner interest throughout the world, so much so that today it has gone through more than seventy editions in America alone. This book was The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling.
Immediately it evoked a response in those who intuited and sought for a deeper meaning of the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Many at that time, as well as today, could not honestly accept the limited interpretation of Jesus and his words that was offered by Churchianity, an acceptance that would have obligated them to reject him as but one of many misperceiving religionists of the past. For them the Aquarian Gospel was truly Light in Darkness, a fount of life-giving knowledge.
With penetrating insight, Abbot George Burke illumines the practical value of the Aquarian Gospel for spiritual seekers, and the timelessness of this classic writing.. With a unique perspective of a lifetime of study and practice of both Eastern and Western spirituality, Abbot George mines the treasures of the Aquarian Gospel and presents them in an easily intelligible fashion for those wishing to put these priceless teachings into practice."
From the Author
What were (and are) the advantages of the Aquarian Gospel for seekers of deeper truth?
Firstly, it made no claim to be "the word of God" or even perfect-much less infallible-in its expression. Nor was it some kind of "new revelation for a new age." It was a transcription of the psychic investigations made by Dowling into what is popularly known as "the akashic records." It was entirely subjective and made no demands to be accepted in whole or even in part. Dowling saw and spoke; the rest was up to the reader. No promised blessings or curses were set forth to those who accepted or rejected it. That was left up to the "true believers" of the "mainstream churches."
Secondly, it was not a translation of Jesus' original Aramaic speech, but Dowling's relaying of the concepts that underlay the outer words of Jesus, for that was what was conveyed in his investigations. For this reason we find anachronistic words like "harpsichord" and "photograph" used in the text to convey the idea, but not the literal wording. Whether he caught the inner meanings correctly was a matter for the reader to decide. Nor could it be used as an authoritarian club to beat unbelievers or doubters into submission, or a razor to dissect Jesus' words into hair-splitting dogmatics. Although its being put down in English was advantageous to those who knew that language, recourse to dictionaries could not be a basis for proving "the truth" about any passage.
Thirdly, the message conveyed in its pages was not the inbred deformity of "orthodox" Christianity, but the universal message found at the heart of all valid religions-religions whose study was recommended to better understand the person and teachings of Jesus. (Some years back a priest of the Saint Thomas Christian [Malankara Orthodox] Church of India said to me: "You cannot understand the teachings of Jesus if you do not know the scriptures of Hindu religion." Thus students of the Aquarian Gospel are urged to study Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism on an equal footing. How greatly-and blessedly-this contrasts with the bitter and hostile exclusivity of "orthodox" Christianity which cannot survive outside the confines of pious arrogance, narrowness, and ignorance.