My book Oracle of the Phoenix contains a series of essays that tie-in Kabbalistic thought into my own unique experience as a key witness to the March 13, 1997 UFO event, The Phoenix Lights. While it may seem heretical to combine the esoteric spiritual system of Kabbalah with UFOs, it actually is not new and has been pioneered by the scientist and Ufologist Jacques Vallee who developed the Interdimensional hypothesis which ties in very well with the Kabbalistic construct of multiple dimensional levels and dynamics. Vallee shares my view that the Miracle of Fatima fell right into this hypothesis with content given to the children the experience centered around that relates to the narrative I’ve constructed in the Phoenix Lights story. In addition, film of the Fatima Light and film from the Phoenix Lights matched when Jim Dilettoso used the breakthrough technology of Light Spectrum Analysis. None of the other lights in Phoenix matched, including the illumination flares that the government used to explain the sighting in later months and years.
A key connection between the apparitions of Fatima and the Phoenix Lights were the dates. The children at Fatima had these meetings/apparitional encounters on the 13th of the month for several months beginning on May 13, 1917 - 80 years prior to the Phoenix Lights event. Another connection comes from the second secret (though out of context from the linear inference made in the full statement) "When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you."